Monday, April 21, 2014


We have a right to know what we are eating!

The U.S.A and Canada are the only countries where foods that are made with genetically modified ingredients are NOT labeled! *

Why do they not want us to know?

Labeling genetically modified foods should be common sense: without labeling we can not track possible side effects, without labels the consumer is left in the dark and even if you think there is nothing wrong with them you would want them labeled.

Colorado is circulating petitions to get a mandatory GMO labeling bill on the ballot for this November's election.
Personally and as a Nutritionist I am in absolut support of GMO labeling and if you are too please consider helping the campaign. You can sign up through the link below for more information, to be on the mailing list and to learn how to get involved.

It is time we stand up for our rights and take back our food supply. 

love, n.

*note 5/03/2014: I am not sure that is true, there may be other countries who have no GMO labels or regulations, however, I have never heard of any. So if you do know this please enlighten me. thanks. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

GMO education EVENT

GMO education event. With yours truly. 
Because this matters. 

It is only in the United States and Canada that GMO's are NOT labeled. 
Everywhere else in the world they are labeled, or even banned. 

Why? Why do we not have the right to know? Why do they not want us to know? Is a GMO seed really the same as a conventional seed? Why are some foods genetically modified? Does it make them better? Are they safe? 

Come and find out.